* Tool Changing!
/Tool changing, was one of the first technical things I talked to Jake about,
however this tool changer started development during June and July of 2019./
/It is much more reasonable then the first tool changers I talked to Jake about.../
** What is this?
Basically this is a tool changer similiar to one found in an ATC spindle, mated
with a kinematic mount, but squashed and different. /That doesn't make any
sense so let me explain better.../
Essentially I have a taper mounted at the incenter of the triangle formed by
the contacts of the kinematic mount (the optimal center of pressure as far as I
know for a kinematic mount). This taper is pulled in by pressing quarter inch (I
know, I do apologize for using imperial hardware sometimes) against it; the ball
bearings live in a little slot that only lets them move linearly, in turn these
bearings are pushed into the taper by the rotation of a "cam" mechanism via a
bowden cable.
** The tool changer in real life
So far these tool changers have been entirely 3d printed (except for, in repRap
terms, the vitamins; hardware), this is actually suprisingly strong and totally
sufficient for the regimen these currently are slated to operate in.
Currently there also not any assembly instructions however I believe it to be
fairly self explanatory; one first puts in the heatset inserts, then the
bearings, then the "CAM" part, the delrin ball bearings, and finally the top
cover and all the bolts.
** BOM
- 2x 10-32 heatset inserts: 93365A240
- 5x M4 heatset inserts: 94180A351
- 2x M3 heatset inserts: 94180A331
- 3x M4 buttonhead screws
- 6x M4 cap screws
- 3x M3 countersunk screws
- 2x M4-5mm shoulder bolt
- 6x 1/4" delrin ball bearings
- 2x 625Z bearings
- 1x 6810RS bearing
- 2x 1/8" 10/32 push to connect fitting: 5779K241
- some form of 1/8" od tubing and wire rope to go inside; as of yet unsettled.
- washers and shim tape as necessary
** the other end; manual actuation knob
A knob for actating the tool changer manually is under development but as of yet